Western Cape, RIVERSDALE / RIVERSDAL district, Rural (farm cemeteries) / Western Cape, RIVERSDALE district, Herbertsdale, Weyers Rivier 155, Wydersrivier, farm cemetery / (5 of 8 images)
Album inligting:-
Hierdie kerkie ,wat lyk na sy "uitspanning" is ongeveer 200 meter vanaf die kerkhof, agter die plaas huis(siersteen en redelik nuut) Daar is ook grafte sonder name wat slegs klippe op het.
Album complete, all the headstones were photographed.
eGGSA captions by: Lorraine Beechey.
The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has information on the location of the cemetery
Cemetery ID: 3092
Information submitted by: Boet Saayman
Google Earth Project Information:-
GPSID: 3696
GPS: -34 1.267, 21 34.916
ANDERSON Maria Elizabeth -1900
contributed by: Boet Saayman
viewed 294 times