Botswana, Central, SEROWE district, Serowe main cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album incomplete, we do not have photographs of all the headstones. eGGSA captions by:...

Botswana, GABORONE, The Village, Police Camp, British Military Cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album completeness unknown. eGGSA captions done by: Alex van Niekerk. The GGSA...

Botswana, GHANZI district, Ghanzi, small cemetery
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: James Anderson The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has...

Botswana, GHANZI district, Nxaitso, unknown farm
Cemetery information:- This photograph was published in an unknown publication and submitted by Louw du Plessis. We...

Botswana, GHANZI district, Trans Kalahari Highway A2, Roadside memorial
Cemetery information:- Album complete. eGGSA captions by: James Anderson The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has...